This project uses a colour sensor to identify the colour of objects placed in front of it.
The Arduino reads RGB (red, green, blue) values from a TCS34725 colour sensor and compares the values to determine what colour is being detected. When an object is placed in front of the sensor, the Arduino analyses the RGB values and displays the identified colour (red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white, or black) on the Serial Monitor.
Parts List
- Arduino Uno board
- TCS34725 RGB colour sensor
- Jumper wires (female-to-male)
- Breadboard (optional)
Assembly Instructions
- Connect the VCC pin on the TCS34725 sensor to the 3.3V pin on the Arduino
- Connect the GND pin on the sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino
- Connect the SDA pin on the sensor to the A4 (SDA) pin on the Arduino
- Connect the SCL pin on the sensor to the A5 (SCL) pin on the Arduino
- Position the sensor so it faces outward where objects will be placed