RGB Colour Kitchen

Requires ,

You can create any color by turning three knobs to mix different amounts of red, green, and blue light from a single LED.

The project uses an Arduino to read signals from three knobs (potentiometers). Each knob controls the brightness of one color in the RGB LED. When you turn a knob, it changes how bright that color shines. By adjusting all three knobs, you can create thousands of different colors.

Parts List

  • Arduino Uno
  • RGB LED (common cathode type)
  • 3 knobs (10kΩ potentiometers)
  • 4 resistors (220Ω)
  • Breadboard
  • Some jumper wires
  • USB cable

Wiring Diagram

RGB Colour Kitchen Schematic bb

Assembly Instructions

  1. Push the RGB LED into the breadboard. The longest pin should face down – this connects to ground
  2. Connect a 220Ω resistor to each colored pin of the LED (red, green, blue)
  3. Wire the red LED pin (through its resistor) to Arduino pin 9
  4. Wire the green LED pin (through its resistor) to Arduino pin 10
  5. Wire the blue LED pin (through its resistor) to Arduino pin 11
  6. Connect the long LED pin through a resistor to any Arduino ground pin
  7. Place your three knobs on the breadboard
  8. For each knob:
    • Connect the left pin to Arduino ground
    • Connect the right pin to Arduino 5V
    • Connect the middle pin to A0 (first knob), A1 (second knob), or A2 (third knob)