OLED Display Simple Text


This project displays the text “hello, world!” on an OLED screen connected to your Arduino.

The Arduino communicates with a small OLED display using I2C protocol to show text. After initialising the display, the code clears the screen, sets up text formatting with the Blocky font, positions the cursor at the top-left corner, and displays the message.

Parts List

  • Arduino Uno board
  • OLED display (SSD1306, I2C address 0x3C)
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard (optional)

Assembly Instructions

Note: Wiring will depend on the Arduino board used.

  1. Connect the OLED display to Arduino:
    • Connect VCC to 5V on Arduino
    • Connect GND to GND on Arduino
    • Connect SCL to A5 (SCL) on Arduino
    • Connect SDA to A4 (SDA) on Arduino
  2. Arrange the connections on a breadboard if needed for stability
  3. Connect the Arduino board to your computer
  4. The OLED display should show “hello, world!” after code upload