This project displays an incrementing counter on an OLED screen connected to your Arduino.
The Arduino communicates with a small OLED display using I2C protocol to show a counter that increases by one every second. The code initialises the display, sets up a large Blocky font, creates a counter variable, and then enters a loop where it increments the counter, clears the screen, displays the updated count, and waits one second before repeating.
Parts List
- Arduino board
- OLED display (SSD1306, I2C address 0x3C)
- Jumper wires
- Breadboard (optional)
Assembly Instructions
Note: Wiring will depend on the Arduino board used.
- Connect the OLED display to Arduino:
- Connect VCC to 5V on Arduino
- Connect GND to GND on Arduino
- Connect SCL to A5 (SCL) on Arduino
- Connect SDA to A4 (SDA) on Arduino
- Arrange the connections on a breadboard if needed for stability
- Connect the Arduino board to your computer
- The OLED display should show the counter starting from 0 and incrementing every second