LED Strip Chase Effect


This project creates a mesmerizing “chase” effect using addressable LED strips, where a single purple light appears to move along the strip.

The effect is achieved by illuminating one LED at a time in sequence, with a brief pause between each light. As each new LED illuminates, the previous one turns off, creating the illusion of movement.

Important Note: These LEDs can draw a lot of current. For this small project with 16 LEDs, connecting to the Arduino’s 5V pin works fine. If you’re using more LEDs or want them very bright, use an external power supply.

Parts List

  • Arduino Uno
  • WS2812B LED strip (16 LEDs)
  • 470Ω resistor
  • Jumper wires

Assembly Instructions

  1. Connect the LED strip’s power wire (red) to the Arduino’s 5V pin
  2. Connect the LED strip’s ground wire (black/white) to Arduino ground
  3. Connect the LED strip’s data wire (green/white) to Arduino digital pin 8 through the 470Ω resistor
  4. Double-check all connections before powering on