Basic Colour Detector


This project detects the colour of objects placed in front of a TCS34725 RGB sensor.

The Arduino reads RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values from the colour sensor and sends this data to your computer via serial connection. The sensor breaks down colours into their RGB components, allowing you to identify different coloured objects. When an object is placed in front of the sensor, the Arduino displays the corresponding RGB values on the Serial Monitor, updating every half second.

Parts List

  • Arduino Uno board
  • TCS34725 RGB colour sensor
  • Connecting wires
  • USB cable

Assembly Instructions

  1. Connect the TCS34725 colour sensor to the Arduino:
    • VCC pin to 5V on Arduino
    • GND pin to GND on Arduino
    • SDA pin to A4 on Arduino (I2C data line)
    • SCL pin to A5 on Arduino (I2C clock line)
  2. Connect the Arduino board to your computer
  3. Position the colour sensor facing upward or in a direction where objects can be easily placed in front of it
  4. Open the Serial Monitor to see the RGB values of objects placed in front of the sensor