
Computer Code: The Basics

Our laptops, smartphones and video game consoles are all-powerful computers. Modern smartphones have now become millions of times faster than the whole of the...

Parent’s Guide to the Amazing Annoyatron

We get a lot of parents wondering about whether letting an Amazing Annoyatron into their house is going to be a good thing or...

Installing the NewPing Library for Arduino

If you are planning to work with ultrasonic sensors in your Arduino projects, then you might want to install the NewPing library. This library...


Code Kit Adds Multi-Language Support

The world is more interconnected than ever before, and...

Netflix and Chilled

Imagine settling down to watch the next season of...

We Asked AI the Same Questions, Three Years later

In December 2019, we asked our Instagram followers to...

The Growing Trend of Minimalism in Technology and Design

In a world dominated by sensory overload, where notifications...

Ethics and Economics in the Metaverse

Exploring Mark Zuckerberg’s frightening vision for a new technological frontier